
Citadel of Terror - An Adventure for 5E and 1st/2nd Ed.

Created by New Comet Games

Citadel of Terror is a starting 5E or 1st/2nd Ed. adventure module set in the new World of Darknoth.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Citadel of Terror - Books Ordered
about 5 years ago – Tue, Aug 27, 2019 at 08:44:19 PM

Now that the PDFs have been out for a few days, we went ahead and ordered the books. They will be delivered in next month and we will begin shipping as soon as they arrive. You will be able to change your address up till we are ready to ship.

There are still a few people who have not completed your survey.  At this point everyone who has done their survey should have their PDFs already. If you have not, please contact us. 

The 11x17 poster maps are already in, and look great!!  The Canvas maps we will begin shipping in the next few days. 

I'll post when the books come in, and begin shipping right away. 

Until next time, Ben

Citadel of Terror: PDFs went out
about 5 years ago – Mon, Aug 26, 2019 at 03:21:46 PM

Yesterday afternoon orders were locked and cards charged for Citadel. This was followed quickly by release of the PDFs to everyone who had already filled out your survey. If you have not please go do so.

We would like to thank everyone that has provided feedback, we are very pleased with the response we have had so far. Feel free to post or send us any comments about the adventure. We love hearing from you. Just don't post spoilers publicly.

Finally, if you had filled out your survey before 5 PM CST yesterday and did not receive your PDFs yet, (except for you Peter, you get yours after our game Saturday.) Please contact me right away so we can figure out why. First check your spam folder, but you should have received a link through DTRPG.

We will be ordering prints tomorrow, so if you find any problems in the book please let me know by tomorrow afternoon, so we can get them fixed before it goes to print. 

Thanks everyone  for all your help in this campaign.  Ben

Citadel of Terror: Ready to lock Backerkit orders
about 5 years ago – Sun, Aug 25, 2019 at 12:45:26 AM

Our plan is to begin locking orders and sending out PDF's tomorrow about noon. We'd love feedback on any horrible typo's etc..  That you can find before we send off to the Printer on Tuesday.  We've had several sets of eyes on this book already so hopefully we have caught most of them.  We want to give you the best product we can.  

1. If you have already completed your survey, but decided you'd like to pick up one of the add ons offered, please do so before noon tomorrow. 

2. If you have not completed your survey yet, (44 of you) please go do so ASAP. We want to make sure we order enough of either the 1E/2E books and enough of the 5E books.  If you can't find your link or never got it, you can go here: enter your KS email and it will take you to the survey. 

3. One thing we ask for in the survey is your DTRPG email, so we can ship you your PDFs.  

4. We will also begin shipping out the World of Darknoth Wall Banner maps. 

Finally, we have another Backerkit going on right now for RPG Random Encounter Dice.  If you'd be interested in getting your set of those, or any of the great dice we sell at New Comet Games, go here:

Until next time, Happy Gaming,  


Citadel of Terror: Backerkit - Books are DONE!!
about 5 years ago – Fri, Aug 23, 2019 at 01:01:33 AM

We wanted to let you know both the 1E and 5E books are ready to go.  We will be launching the Backerkit smoke test in a few minutes. If you get selected, please complete this. If all goes well we will open it up to everyone tomorrow. 

The plan is to lock these next week and send out the PDF's to those receiving them.  This gives us a widespread audience to look at the book before we send it to the printers. So we plan to send it to the printers by the end of next week and should get them back in late Sept and begin shipping right away. 

NOTE: If you are receiving a physical copy of something, you will be receiving the PDF as well, they just aren't all listed in Backerkit. If you are only receiving a PDF, that will be listed. 

Thank you all for your great support and we hope you really enjoy the adventure!


Citadel of Terror: August Update
about 5 years ago – Sun, Aug 04, 2019 at 12:30:43 PM

We just wanted to drop a note letting you know we are almost complete.

  • Writing: Complete
  • Art: Complete
  • Cartography: Complete
  • Editing: Complete
  • Layout: 90% Complete

We are hoping to have the last 10% done of the layout in the next couple of days.  We will then send it to 3-4 backers who are willing to give it a once over looking for anything we overlooked, typos, etc..  

If you are willing to do this, and have time (we would need feedback in a week), we can put you on the list. We generally take the first few people.  So send us a message and what your specialty is. Ie. are you more about grammar, spelling, or 5E mechanics. 

We are hoping to have everything completed and ready for printing mid-August, and have your PDF's out to you soon after that.  That is when we will be launching our Backerkit as well.

The book is coming in at a full 68 pages when you include the cover, and one hell of a great adventure!!

Until next time, Happy Gaming!